Monday, November 1, 2010

Change Has Come...

I think that the change of setting is important in the story because it shows the change in the plot. The change of the setting brought on many different emotions and feelings for the main character, Stingo.
Through the change of setting, the main character meet two other characters that through the next chapters. Stingo met both Sophie Zawistowska and Nathan Landau, that both live in the same house as Stingo. The two characters that are introduced are in a relationship that is very abusive. The relationship is filled with many mixed emotions and changes from one minute to the next. Theses characters that we now meet are a large part of the storyline and Sophie becomes friends with Stingo. Nathan Landau seems to be very fake and made up. He reminds me of the attribute that many people give to someone of a snake. He seems very sly and that he will make his way into any situation if he can. He is always yelling at Sophie from what Stingo hears and sees, but she always seems to come back to him and does not want to let him go. I think that this will be one of the main highlights of the book and these events will start to move the plot along even further.

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