- main character
- born in Virginia
- mother is dead, grew up with his father
- from his childhood, he received the nickname Stinky because of his inability to care about hygiene ( he was later "shamed" into becoming clean)
- became a writer - worked for McGraw Hill
- was a member of the military during World War II
- lives on his own in a University Residence Club in the Manhattan area, New York City
- loses his job at McGraw Hill and loses money very quick
- his father "bails" him out and sends him money to help him survive
- past generations of his family (grandparents) have been a part of the slavery movement
- Stingo's grandmother would tell him stories about the slaves that she had at one point, they were named Artiste, Drusillia, and Lucinda
- he then moves in Yetta Zimmerman's house in Brooklyn
- it is here in this new house the Stingo meets all the other characters in the book
Nearby Neighbors of Stingo
- the wife becomes a sexual interest to Stingo
- he recalls that he had had sex with this particular female interest in the garden, that he can see from his house
- from the description in the book this couple seems to be somewhat materialistic and of high prestige. (Eg. Abercrombie and Fitch references, "over groomed Afghan hound")
- later in the chapters the female neighbor is named Mavis Hunnicutt
- boss of Stingo at McGraw Hill
- Stingo does not take a liking to him
- Stingo says that both him and the "Weasel" took an immediate dislike to each other
- from the south like Stingo
- Stingo associates her with a Buddha
- she is widowed by her husband Sol
- description of Yetta: "...squat and expansive, sixty or thereabouts, with a slightly mongoloid cast to her cheerful features that gave her the look of a gleaming Buddha" (35)
- the first person in the book that Stingo meets
- tells Stingo about Nathan and Sophie
- explains to Stingo the history of the people that live in the house
- young character
- the "love interest" of Nathan
- she was once in a concentration camp liberated by the Russians
- she is Polish with a bit of German and French
- her parents are not both from Poland
- her mother is from Lodz and her father is from Lublin
- they met while at school in Austria
- her receives a lot of verbal abuse from Nathan, he will call her a " Anti-Semitic Polish pig" (87)
- she does not know what love really is and she is always being either verbally or physically abused by Nathan
- the potential new lover of Stingo
- Stingo takes a slight interest to Sophie and helps her when Nathan leaves one night
- love interest of Sophie
- verbally and physically abusive to Sophie
- vindictive
- rude
- has very sudden mood swings
- he does not think before he speaks, he then later will regret what he says
- he is always in a conflict
- very domineering
- takes advantage of Sophie
- racist
- offensive
Side Note: The Soviet Union liberated Auschwitz in World War II. In the book there is reference to the ``Russians liberated that camp she was in`` (69), this is said by Nathan Landau.
YouTube video-Auschwitz haunts Soviet veteran
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